Items where Subject is "Software Engineering"

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    • Software Engineering (346)
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  • Alebrahim, Azadeh and Faßbender, Stephan and Filipczyk, Martin and Goedicke, Michael and Heisel, Maritta and Zdun, Uwe pp. 32-35 ISSN 0163-5948 ACM (2016)
  • Amiri, Amirali and Zdun, Uwe and Simhandl, Georg and van Hoorn, André In: International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC) , 14-17 Dec 2020 , Dubai, UAE (2020)
  • Amiri, Amirali and Zdun, Uwe and van Hoorn, André and Dustdar, Schahram In: IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS) , 11-17 Jul 2022 , Barcelona, Spain (2022)
  • Ampatzoglou, Areti and Ampatzoglou, Apostolos and Chatzigeorgiou, Alexander and Avgeriou, Paris and Abrahamsson, Pekka and Martini, Antonio and Zdun, Uwe and Systä, Kari In: Eighth International Workshop on Managing Technical Debt. In conjunction with ICSME 2016 , 4 Oct 2016 , Raleigh, North Carolina (2016)
  • Avgeriou, P. and Zdun, Uwe In: Proceedings of 10th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPlop 2005) , Irsee, Germany (2005)
  • Avgeriou, P. and Zdun, Uwe Springer, Vienna ISBN 978-3-319-09970-5 (2014)
  • Avgeriou, Paris and Harrison, Neil B. and Zdun, Uwe Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6510 (IX) Springer, New York / Heildelberg (2011)
  • B

  • Bajrovic, Enes and Benkner, Siegfried and Dokulil, Jiri and Sandrieser, Martin In: PARCO 2013, September 2013, Munich, Germany , 10-13 Sept 2013 , Munich, Germany (2013)
  • Baouab, Aymen and Fdhila, Walid and Perrin, Olivier and Godart, Claude In: International Conference on Web Services ICWS , 24 - 27 June 2012 , Honolulu, HI, USA (2012)
  • Bergmayr, Alexander In: MODELS 2010 , 3-8 Oct 2010 , Oslo, Norway (2011)
  • Bergmayr, Alexander and Wimmer, Manuel and Retschitzegger, Werner and Zdun, Uwe In: Software Engineering 2013 , Feb 26 - Mar 01, 2013 , Aachen, Germany (2013)
  • Bork, Dominik Other. UNSPECIFIED, Graz (In Press) (2014)
  • Bork, Dominik In: Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) 2015 , 13-15 Oct 2015 , Puerto Rico (2015)
  • Bork, Dominik and Buchmann, Robert and Karagiannis, Dimitris In: 8th International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management , October 28-30, 2015 , Chongqing, China (2015)
  • Bork, Dominik and Fill, Hans-Georg and Karagiannis, Dimitris and Utz, Wilfrid pp. 333-344 ISSN 1860-6059 German Informatics Society (GI) (2018)
  • Bork, Dominik and Karagiannis, Dimitris In: 9th International Conference on Software Paradigm Trends 2014 , 29.-31.08.2014 , Vienna (2014)
  • Buchmann, Robert Andrei and Cinpoeru, Mihai and Harkai, Alisa and Karagiannis, Dimitris In: EASE 2018 - 13th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering , March 23-24, 2018 , Funchal, Madeira, Portugal (2018)
  • C

  • Capilla, Rafael and Nakagawa, Elisa Yumi and Zdun, Uwe and Carrillo, Carlos pp. 108-111 ISSN 0740-7459 IEEE (2017)
  • Capilla, Rafael and Zimmermann, Olaf and Zdun, Uwe and Avgeriou, Paris and Küster, Jochen M. In: 5th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA) , 13. -16. 09.2011 , Essen, Germany (2011)
  • Capilla, Rafael and Zimmermann, Olaf and Zdun, Uwe and Avgeriou, Paris and Küster, Jochen M. Technical Report. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain (2011)
  • Carrillo, Carlos and Capilla, Rafael and Zimmermann, Olaf and Zdun, Uwe In: Workshop on Sustainable Architecture: Global Collaboration, Requirements, Analysis (SAGRA 2015). Collocated with ECSA , 7 Sep - 11 Sep 2015 , Dubrovnik/Cavtat, Croatia (2015)
  • Cuesta, E. Carlos and Navarro, Elena and Zdun, Uwe In: SiSoS@ECSA 2016: International Colloquium on Software-intensive Systems-of-Systems at 10th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA Volume 3), ACM, 2018 , 28 Nov - 02 Dec 2016 , Copenhagen, Denkmark (2016)
  • Czepa, Christoph and Tran, Huy and Zdun, Uwe and Rinderle-Ma, Stefanie and Tran, Thanh and Weiss, Erhard and Ruhsam, Christoph In: International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS) 2015 , 28-30 October , Rhodes, Greece (2015)
  • Czepa, Christoph and Tran, Huy and Zdun, Uwe and Tran, Thanh and Weiss, Erhard and Ruhsam, Christoph In: IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA 2017) , 3-7 April 2017 , Gothenburg, Sweden (2017)
  • Czepa, Christoph and Tran, Huy and Zdun, Uwe and Tran, Thanh and Weiss, Erhard and Ruhsam, Christoph In: 2nd International Workshop on Compliance, Evolution and Security in intra- and Cross-Organizational Processes (CeSCoP 2016), 20th IEEE International Enterprise Computing Workshops (EDOCW 2016) , 05 - 09 Sept 2016 , Vienna, Austria (2016)
  • Czepa, Christoph and Tran, Huy and Zdun, Uwe and Tran, Thanh and Weiss, Erhard and Ruhsam, Christoph In: 28th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE'16), Forum Track , 13-17 June 2016 , Ljubljana, Slovenia (2016)
  • Czepa, Christoph and Tran, Huy and Zdun, Uwe and Tran, Thanh and Weiss, Erhard and Ruhsam, Christoph In: 7th International Workshop on Enterprise Modeling and Information Systems Architectures (EMISA 2016) , 3-5 Oct 2016 , Vienna, Austria (2016)
  • Czepa, Christoph and Tran, Huy and Zdun, Uwe and Tran, Thanh and Weiss, Erhard and Ruhsam, Christoph In: The 32nd ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2017) , 3-6 Apr 2017 , Marrakesh, Morocco (2017)
  • Czepa, Christoph and Tran, Huy and Zdun, Uwe and Tran, Thanh and Weiss, Erhard and Ruhsam, Christoph In: 4th International Workshop on Adaptive Case Management and other Non-workflow Approaches to BPM (AdaptiveCM 15) , 31 Aug- 03 Sep 2015 , Innsbruck, Austria (2015)
  • Czepa, Christoph and Tran, Huy and Zdun, Uwe and Tran, Thanh and Weiss, Erhard and Ruhsam, Christoph In: 5th International Workshop on Adaptive Case Management and other Non-workflow Approaches to BPM (AdaptiveCM 16), 20th IEEE International Enterprise Computing Workshops (EDOCW 2016) , 05 - 09 Sep 2015 , Vienna, Austria (2016)
  • D

  • Daniel, Florian and Casati, Fabio and D'Andrea, Vincenzo and Strauch, Steve and Schumm, David and Leymann, Frank and Mulo, Emmanuel and Zdun, Uwe and Dustdar, Schahram and Sebahi, Samir and de Marchi, Fabien and Hacid, Mohand-Said In: Proceedings of the IEEE Twenty-Third International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA'09) (2009)
  • Decker, S. and Sintek, M. and Billig, A. and Henze, N. and Dolog, P. and Nejdl, W. and Harth, A. and Leicher, A. and Busse, S. and Guy Suess, J. and Miklos, Z. and Ambite, J. and Weathers, M. and Neumann, G. and Zdun, Uwe In: W3C Workshop on Rule Languages for Interoperability , Washington, D.C., USA (2005)
  • Dokulil, Jiri and Bajrovic, Enes and Benkner, Siegfried and Pllana, Sabri and Sandrieser, Martin and Bachmayer, Beverly In: International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2013), Barcelona, Spain, June 2013. IEEE Computer Society Press. , 5-7 June 2013 , Barcelona, Spain (2013)
  • Dokulil, Jiri and Bajrovic, Enes and Benkner, Siegfried and Sandrieser, Martin and Bachmayer, Beverly In: 42nd International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP-2013), Lyon, France, 2013 , 1-4 Oct 2013 , Lyon, France (2013)
  • Dokulil, Jiri and Benkner, Siegfried In: 2014 International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications , 26-28 August 2014 , Milan, Italy (2014)
  • Dokulil, Jiri and Katreniakova, Jana In: 21st International Conference Information Visualisation 2017 , 11 - 14 July , London, Great Britain (2017)
  • Dustdar, S. and Goeschka, K. and Truong, H. and Zdun, Uwe In: 5th IEEE International Conference on Next Generation Web Services Practices , Prague, Czech Republic (2009)
  • E

  • El Malki, Amine and Zdun, Uwe In: IEEE International Conference On Software Services Engineering (SSE 2023) , 2-8 July 2023 , Chicago, Illinois USA (2023)
  • El Malki, Amine and Zdun, Uwe In: IEEE International Conference On Web Services (ICWS 2023) , 2-8 July 2023 , Chicago, Illinois USA (2023)
  • El Malki, Amine and Zdun, Uwe In: IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC 2021) , 5-10 Sep 2021 , Virtual (2021)
  • El Malki, Amine and Zdun, Uwe In: 13th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA) , 9-13 September 2019 , Paris France (2019)
  • El Malki, Amine and Zdun, Uwe and Pautasso, Cesare In: 16th IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented System Engineering (SOSE2022) , 15 -18 August 2022 , San Francisco, USA (2022)
  • F

  • Falazi, Ghareeb and Breitenbücher, Uwe and Leymann, Frank and Stötzner, Miles and Ntentos, Evangelos and Zdun, Uwe and Becker, Martin and Heldwein, Elena In: 1st International Workshop on the Foundations of Infrastructure Specification and Testing , 12 March 2022 , Virtual (2022)
  • Fdhila, Walid and Dumas, Marlon and Godart, Claude and Garcïa-Bañuelos, Luciano Software & Systems Modeling, 13 (2). pp. 599-619 ISSN 1619-1366 Springer-Verlag (2014)
  • Fdhila, Walid and Indiono, Conrad and Rinderle-Ma, Stefanie ISSN 0218-8430 (2015)
  • Fdhila, Walid and Indiono, Conrad and Rinderle-Ma, Stefanie and Vetschera, Rudolf In: International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS) 2015 , 28-30 October , Rhodes, Greece (2015)
  • Fdhila, Walid and Rinderle-Ma, Stefanie In: The 29th ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC) - Enterprise Engineering , March 24-28 , 2014 , Gyeongju, Korea (2014)
  • Fdhila, Walid and Rinderle-Ma, Stefanie and Baouab, Aymen and Perrin, Olivier and Godart, Claude In: The 5th International Conference on Service-oriented computing and Applications (SOCA 2012) , 17-19 Dec 2012 , taipei, Taiwan (In Press) (2012)
  • Fdhila, Walid and Rinderle-Ma, Stefanie and Reichert, Manfred In: CollaborateCom , Pittsburgh, USA (2012)
  • Frey, Frank J. and Hentrich, Carsten and Zdun, Uwe In: Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP) , July 11-15, 2012 , Kloster Irsee, Germany (2013)
  • Frey, Frank J. and Hentrich, Carsten and Zdun, Uwe In: 18th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP) , July 2014 , Irsee, Germany (2014)
  • G

  • Galster, Matthias and Weyns, Danny and Goedicke, Michael and Zdun, Uwe and Cunha, Jácome and Chavarriaga, Jaime pp. 35-37 ISSN 0163-5948 ACM (2017)
  • Galster, Matthias and Weyns, Danny and Goedicke, Michael and Zdun, Uwe and Rabiser, Rick and Perrouin, Gilles and Zhang, Bo pp. 27-30 ISSN 0163-5948 ACM (2016)
  • Gaubatz, Patrick and Zdun, Uwe In: 4th International Workshop on Lightweight Integration on the Web (ComposableWeb 2012) , Berlin, Germany (2012)
  • Genfer, Patric and Grabner, Johann and Zoffi, Christina and Bernhart, Mario and Grechenig, Thomas In: IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization (VISSOFT) 2021 , 27-28 Sept 2021 , virtual (2021)
  • Genfer, Patric and Zdun, Uwe In: 16th European Conference on Software Architecture , September 19 - 23, 2022 , Prague, Czech Republic (2022)
  • Genfer, Patric and Zdun, Uwe In: 18th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA) , Mon 2 - Fri 6 September 2024 , Luxembourg (2024)
  • Genfer, Patric and Zdun, Uwe In: 15th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA) 2021 , 13-17 Sep 2021 , virtual (2021)
  • Ghiran, Ana-Maria and Buchmann, Robert and Karagiannis, Dimitris In: IEEE 12th International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS'2018) , 29.-31.05.2018 , Nantes, France (2018)
  • Goedicke, M. and Koellmann, K. and Zdun, Uwe Science of Computer Programming, 53 (3). pp. 353-380 Elsevier (2004)
  • Goedicke, M. and Neumann, G. and Zdun, Uwe In: Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Generative and Component-Based Software Engineering (GCSE'00) , Erfurt, Germany (2000)
  • Goedicke, M. and Neumann, G. and Zdun, Uwe In: Proceedings of 6th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPlop 2001) , Irsee, Germany (2001)
  • Goedicke, M. and Neumann, G. and Zdun, Uwe In: Proceedings of 5th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPlop 2000) , Irsee, Germany (2000)
  • Goedicke, M. and Pohl, K. and Zdun, Uwe In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Object-Oriented Information Systems (OOIS 2002) , Montpellier, France (2002)
  • Goedicke, M. and Zdun, Uwe In: 2nd Int. Workshop on Engineering Distributed Objects (EDO 2000) , Davis, USA (2000)
  • Goedicke, M. and Zdun, Uwe Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution: Research and Practice, 14 (1). pp. 1-30 J. Wiley & Sons (2002)
  • Goedicke, M. and Zdun, Uwe In: 5th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR'01) , Lisbon, Portugal (2001)
  • Goettelmann, Elio and Fdhila, Walid and Godart, Claude In: IEEE International Conference on Cloud Engineering (IC2E) (2013)
  • Grefen, Paul and Rinderle-Ma, Stefanie and Dustdar, Schahram and Fdhila, Walid and Mendling, Jan and Schulte, Stefan ISSN 1089-7801 (2018)
  • Guth, S. and Simon, B. and Zdun, Uwe In: Proceedings of the 36th IEEE Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences , Hawaii, USA (2003)
  • H

  • Hagelkruys, Dominik and Böhm, Christina and Motschnig, Renate In: EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology, Jun 22, 2015 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada ISBN 978-1-939797-16-2 Publisher: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE) , 22.07.2015 - 24.07.2015 , Montreal, Quebec, Canada (2015)
  • Haitzer, Thomas and Navarro, Elena and Zdun, Uwe In: 1st International Workshop on Software Architecture Asset Decision-Making (SAADM) co-located with the 9th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA 2015) , September 8, 2015 , Cavtat/Dubrovnik, Croatia (2015)
  • Haitzer, Thomas and Zdun, Uwe In: European Conference on Software Architecture 2013 , 1-5 Jul 2013 , Montpellier, France (2013)
  • Haitzer, Thomas and Zdun, Uwe In: Eighth International ACM Sigsoft Conference on the Quality of Software Architectures (QoSA 2012) , Bertinoro, Italy (2012)
  • Haitzer, Thomas and Zdun, Uwe pp. 135-160 ISSN 0167-6423 Elsevier (2014)
  • Haitzer, Thomas and Zdun, Uwe Journal of Systems and Software , 102. 35 - 57 ISSN 0164-1212 Elsevier (2015)
  • Haitzer, Thomas and Zdun, Uwe and Navarro, Elena pp. 119-144 ISSN 0164-1212 Elsevier (2017)
  • Harrison, N. and Avgeriou, P. and Zdun, Uwe In: 2nd International Workshop on Software Engineering for Resilient Systems (SERENE 2010) , London, United Kingdom (2010)
  • Harrison, N. and Avgeriou, P. and Zdun, Uwe IEEE Software, 24 (4). pp. 38-45 IEEE (2007)
  • Hentrich, C. and Zdun, Uwe In: Proceedings of 13th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP 2008) , Irsee, Germany (2008)
  • Hentrich, C. and Zdun, Uwe Transactions on Pattern Languages of Programming, 1. pp. 136-191 Springer (2009)
  • Hentrich, C. and Zdun, Uwe In: Proceedings of the Pattern Languages of Programming Conference 2006 (PLoP 2006) , Portland Oregon, USA (2006)
  • Hentrich, C. and Zdun, Uwe In: Proceedings of 11th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP 2006) , Irsee, Germany (2006)
  • Hentrich, C. and Zdun, Uwe In: Proceedings of 12th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP 2007) , Irsee, Germany (2007)
  • Hentrich, Carsten and Zdun, Uwe CRC Press, Taylor and Francis, Boca Raton (2012)
  • Hentrich, Carsten and Zdun, Uwe and Hlupic, Vlatka and Dotsika, Fefie In: Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP) , July 11-15, 2012 , Kloster Irsee, Germany (2013)
  • Hohpe, Gregor and Ozkaya, Ipek and Zdun, Uwe and Zimmermann, Olaf ISSN 0740-7459 (2016)
  • Holmes, T. and Zdun, Uwe and Daniel, F. and Dustdar, S. In: 22nd International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE) , Hammamet, Tunesia (2010)
  • Holmes, T. and Zdun, Uwe and Dustdar, S. In: 4th IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference (2009)
  • Holmes, Ta'id and Mulo, Emmanuel and Zdun, Uwe and Dustdar, Schahram In: Service Engineering. Springer, pp. 117-136 (2011)
  • Holmes, Ta'id and Tran, Huy and Zdun, Uwe and Dustdar, Schahram In: Model Driven Architecture - Foundations and Applications, 4th European Conference, ECMDA-FA 2008, June 9-13, 2008. Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5095 , Berlin, Germany (2008)
  • Holmes, Ta'id and Zdun, Uwe In: ACM/IEEE 21st International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS) 2018 , 14-19 Oct , Copenhagen, Denmark (2018)
  • Holmes, Ta'id and Zdun, Uwe and Dustdar, Schahram In: 16th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC 2012) , 12.-14. September 2012 , Beijing, China (2012)
  • Holmes, T. and Tran, Huy and Zdun, Uwe and Dustdar, S. In: Fifth Workshop on SHAring and Reusing architectural Knowledge (SHARK 2010) , Cape Town, South Africa (2010)
  • Horkoff, Jennifer and Jeusfeld, Manfred A. and Ralyté, Jolita and Karagiannis, Dimitris pp. 1-2 ISSN 2363-7005 Springer Fachmedien (2018)
  • Hrgovcic, Vedran and Utz, Wilfrid and Karagiannis, Dimitris In: The 4th IEEE International Workshop on Service Science and Systems (SSS 2011) , July 18 - 21 2011 , Munich, Germany (2011)
  • Hrgovcic, Vedran and Woitsch, Robert and Karagiannis, Dimitris In: 13th IEEE Conference on Commerce and Enterprise Computing (CEC 2011) , Semptember 5 - 7 , Luxembourg, Luxembourg (2011)
  • Hummer, Waldemar and Gaubatz, Patrick and Strembeck, Mark and Zdun, Uwe and Dustdar, Schahram Information and Software Technology, 55 (11). ISSN 0950-5849 Elsevier (2013)
  • Hummer, Waldemar and Gaubatz, Patrick and Strembeck, Mark and Zdun, Uwe and Dustdar, Schahram In: 16th ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies (SACMAT) , 15-17 Jun 2011 , Innsbruck, Austria (2011)
  • I

  • Inzinger, Christian and Hummer, Waldemar and Lytra, Ioanna and Leitner, Philipp and Tran, Huy and Zdun, Uwe and Dustdar, Schahram In: 17th IEEE International EDOC Conference (EDOC 2013) , 9-13 September 2013 , Vancouver, BC, Canada (2013)
  • J

  • Javed, Muhammad Atif and Stevanetic, Srdjan and Zdun, Uwe In: 24th Australasian Software Engineering Conference , 28 September - 01 October 2015 , Adelaide, SA, Australia (2015)
  • Javed, Muhammad Atif and Stevanetic, Srdjan and Zdun, Uwe In: 21st European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP ’16) , July 6 - 10, 2016 , Irsee, Bavaria, Germany (2016)
  • Javed, Muhammad Atif and UL Muram, Faiz and Zdun, Uwe In: 17th International Conference on Software Reuse ICSR , 21-23 May , Madrid, Spain (2018)
  • Javed, Muhammad Atif and Zdun, Uwe In: EASE 2015 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering , April 27-29, 2015 , Nanjing, China (2015)
  • Javed, Muhammad Atif and Zdun, Uwe In: 11th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture WICSA 2014 , April 7-11, 2014 , Sydney, Australia (2014)
  • Javed, Muhammad Atif and Zdun, Uwe In: 14th International Conference on Software Reuse , 4-6 January 2015 , Miami (Florida), US (2015)
  • K

  • Kamal, Ahmad Waqas and Avgeriou, Paris and Zdun, Uwe In: Proceedings of 13th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP 2008) , Irsee, Germany (2008)
  • Kamal, Ahmad Waqas and Avgeriou, Paris and Zdun, Uwe Software: Practice and Experience (SP&E). Wiley (2013)
  • Kaniovskyi, Yuriy and Koehler, Martin and Benkner, Siegfried In: ACM International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD/PODS , 14 - 19 Mai 2017 , Chicago (2017)
  • Karagiannis, Dimitris and Buchmann, Robert In: HICSS-51: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2018 , 2-6 January 2018 , Hawaii, USA (2018)
  • Karagiannis, Dimitris and Buchmann, Robert and Walch, Michael In: 25th European Cenference on Information Systems, ECIS 2017 , 5-10 June 2017 , Guimarães, Portugal (2017)
  • Karagiannis, Dimitris and Burzynski, Patrik and Utz, Wilfrid and Buchmann, Robert In: 2019 IEEE 27th International Requirements Engineering Conference , 23-27 September 2019 , Jeju Island, South Korea (2019)
  • Karagiannis, Dimitris and Hrgovic, Vedran and Woitsch, Robert In: Emerging Research and Projects Applications and Services Symposium , December 5 - 7 , Ho Chi Min City, Vietnam (2011)
  • Karagiannis, Dimitris and Visic, Niksa In: Perspectives in Business Informatics Research. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 19-28 ISBN 978-3-642-24511-4 (2011)
  • Karagiannis, Dimitris and Visic, Niksa In: Information Technologies - A Strategic Priority for the Knowledge Economy , 14 - 15 Oct 2011 , Svishtov, Bulgaria (2011)
  • Knuplesch, David and Fdhila, Walid and Reichert, Manfred and Rinderle-Ma, Stefanie In: 34th International Conference on Conceptual Modelling (ER 2015) , 19-22 October , Stockholm- Sweden (2015)
  • Knuplesch, David and Reichert, Manfred and Fdhila, Walid and Rinderle-Ma, Stefanie In: Int'l Conference on Business Process Management 2013 (In Press) (2013)
  • Krieger, Christoph and Breitenbücher, Uwe and Falkenthal, Michael and Leymann, Frank and Yussupov, Vladimir and Zdun, Uwe In: 28th European Conference on Service-Oriented and Cloud Computing (ESOCC 2020) , April 01-03, 2020 , Heraklion, Greece (2020)
  • L

  • Letondal, C. and Zdun, Uwe In: Proceedings of Second International Workshop on Unanticipated Software Evolution (2003)
  • Lezuo, Roland and Paulweber, Philipp and Krall, Andreas In: ACM SIGPLAN/SIGBED Conference on Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems (LCTES) , 12-13 June 2014 , Edinburgh, UK (2014)
  • Longshaw, Andy and Zdun, Uwe UVK - Universitätsverlag Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany (2006)
  • Lytra, Ioanna and Carrillo, Carlos and Capilla, Rafael and Zdun, Uwe pp. 551-572 ISSN 1436-5057 Springer (2020)
  • Lytra, Ioanna and Eichelberger, Holger and Tran, Huy and Leyh, Georg and Schmid, Klaus and Zdun, Uwe In: The 8th International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-intensive Systems (VAMOS '14) , 22-24 Jan 2014 , Nice, France (2014)
  • Lytra, Ioanna and Engelbrecht, Gerhard and Schall, Daniel and Zdun, Uwe In: 3rd International Workshop on Software Engineering for Systems-of-Systems (SESoS), May 2015 , 17 May 2015 , Florence, Italy (2015)
  • Lytra, Ioanna and Gaubatz, Patrick and Zdun, Uwe pp. 63-75 ISSN 0950-5849 Elsevier (2015)
  • Lytra, Ioanna and Sobernig, Stefan and Tran, Huy and Zdun, Uwe In: Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP) , July 2012 , Irsee, Germany (2012)
  • Lytra, Ioanna and Sobernig, Stefan and Zdun, Uwe Technical Report. UNSPECIFIED (2012)
  • Lytra, Ioanna and Sobernig, Stefan and Zdun, Uwe In: Joint 10th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture & 6th European Conference on Software Architecture , August 20-24, 2012 , Helsinki, Finland (2012)
  • Lytra, Ioanna and Tran, Huy and Zdun, Uwe In: 16th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR) , March 27-30, 2012 , Szeged, Hungary (2012)
  • Lytra, Ioanna and Tran, Huy and Zdun, Uwe In: European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA) , July 1-5 , Montpellier, France (2013)
  • Lytra, Ioanna and Zdun, Uwe In: 23rd Australasian Software Engineering Conference (ASWEC) 2014 , 7-10 April , Sydney, Australia (2014)
  • Lytra, Ioanna and Zdun, Uwe In: International Workshop on Software Engineering for Systems-of-Systems (SESoS 2013) , 2 July 2013 , Montpellier, France (2013)
  • Lübke, Daniel and Zimmermann, Olaf and Pautasso, Cesare and Zdun, Uwe and Stocker, Mirko In: 24th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs , 3rd-7th July , Irsee, Germany (2019)
  • M

  • Macías, Aurora and Navarro, Elena and Cuesta, Carlos E. and Zdun, Uwe In: 20th IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture 2023 , 13-17 March 2023 , L'Aquila, Italy (2023)
  • Mastelic, Toni and Fdhila, Walid and Brandic, Ivona and Rinderle-Ma, Stefanie In: IEEE 11th World Congress on Services , 26 June - 03 July , New York - USA (2015)
  • Mayr, C. and Zdun, Uwe and Dustdar, S. In: First European Conference, ServiceWave 2008, Proceedings , Madrid, Spain (2008)
  • Mayr, C. and Zdun, Uwe and Dustdar, S. In: Formal Methods for Components and Objects, 7th International Symposium, FMCO 2008, Sophia Antipolis, France, October 21-23, 2008, Revised Lectures. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5751 , Sophia Antipolis, France (2009)
  • Mayr, Christine and Zdun, Uwe and Dustdar, Schahram Data & Knowledge Engineering (DKE), 70 (9). pp. 794-819 Elsevier (2011)
  • Meixner, Sebastian and Schall, Daniel and Li, Fei and Karagiannis, Vasileios and Schulte, Stefan and Plakidas, Konstantinos In: 24th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2019) , 10-13 September 2019 , Zaragoza, Spain (2019)
  • Mendling, J. and Lassen, K. and Zdun, Uwe In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference Business Process Management (BPM 2006) , Vienna, Austria (2006)
  • Mendling, J. and Lassen, K. Bisgaard and Zdun, Uwe In: Multikonferenz Wirtschaftsinformatik 2006 (MKWI 2006) , Wirtschaftsuniversität, Vienna, Austria (2006)
  • Mendling, J. and Perez de Laborda, C. and Zdun, Uwe In: K.-D. Althoff, A. Dengel, R. Bergmann, M. Nick, T. Roth-Berghofer, eds.: Post-Proceedings of WM 2005, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 3782 (2005)
  • Mendling, J. and de Laborda, C. Perez and Zdun, Uwe In: Proceedings of the Semantic Model Integration Workshop (SMI 2005) , Kaiserslautern, Germany (2005)
  • Miklos, Z. and Neuman, G. and Zdun, Uwe and Sintek, M. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 03) , Sanibel Island, Florida, USA (2003)
  • Mulo, E. and Zdun, Uwe and Dustdar, S. In: IEEE International Conference on Service-oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA) (2009)
  • Mulo, Emmanuel and Zdun, Uwe and Dustdar, S. In: 4th ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems (DEBS'10) , Cambridge, United Kingdom (2010)
  • Mulo, Emmanuel and Zdun, Uwe and Dustdar, Schahram Service Oriented Computing and Applications, 7 (1). pp. 59-73 Springer (2013)
  • Mühlberger, Roman and Bachhofner, Stefan and Castelló Ferrer, Eduardo and Di Ciccio, Claudio and Weber, Ingo and Wöhrer, Maximilian and Zdun, Uwe In: 18th Int. Conference on Business Process Management (BPM 2020) , 13-18 Sep 2020 , Sevilla, Spain (2020)
  • N

  • Neumann, G. and Zdun, Uwe In: Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Internet Computing (IC'2001) , Las Vegas, Nevada, USA (2001)
  • Neumann, G. and Zdun, Uwe In: Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC) , Takamatsu, Japan (1999)
  • Neumann, G. and Zdun, Uwe In: Proceedings of 5th Conference on Object-Oriented Technologies and Systems (COOTS'99) , San Diego, California, USA (1999)
  • Neumann, G. and Zdun, Uwe World Wide Web Journal, 3 (1). pp. 13-26 Kluwer/Baltzer (2000)
  • Neumann, G. and Zdun, Uwe In: Proceedings of NOSA'99, Second Nordic Workshop on Software Architecture , Ronneby, Sweden (1999)
  • Neumann, G. and Zdun, Uwe In: Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP 2002) , Malaga, Spain (2002)
  • Neumann, G. and Zdun, Uwe In: Proceedings of Symposium of Applied Computing (SAC'00) , Como, Italy (2000)
  • Neumann, G. and Zdun, Uwe In: The 7th USENIX Tcl/Tk Conference , Austin, Texas, USA (2000)
  • Neumann, G. and Zdun, Uwe In: Second European Tcl/Tk User Meeting (2001)
  • Ntentos, Evangelos and Lueger, Nicole Elisabeth and Simhandl, Georg and Zdun, Uwe and Schneider, Simon and Scandariato, Riccardo and Ferreyra, Nicolas E. Diaz ISSN 1049-331X (2024)
  • Ntentos, Evangelos and Zdun, Uwe and Falazi, Ghareeb and Breitenbücher, Uwe and Leymann, Frank In: IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC 2022) , 11-16 July 2022 , Barcelona, Spain (2022)
  • Ntentos, Evangelos and Zdun, Uwe and Soldani, Jacopo and Brogi, Antonio In: 16th European Conference on Software Architecture , 19.09.2022 - 23.09.2022 , Prague, Czech Republic (2022)
  • O

  • Oberortner, E. and Sobernig, S. and Zdun, Uwe and Dustdar, S. In: Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP) , July 2011 , Irsee, Germany (2011)
  • Oberortner, E. and Zdun, Uwe and Dustdar, S. In: Towards a Service-Based Internet, First European Conference, ServiceWave 2008, Proceedings , Madrid, Spain (2008)
  • Oberortner, E. and Zdun, Uwe and Dustdar, S. In: Towards a Service-Based Internet, First European Conference, ServiceWave 2008, Proceedings , Madrid, Spain (2008)
  • Oberortner, E. and Zdun, Uwe and Dustdar, S. In: 17th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs , Reno/Tahoe Nevada, USA (2010)
  • Oberortner, E. and Zdun, Uwe and Dustdar, S. In: IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing and Applications (SOCA 2010) , Perth, Australia (2010)
  • Oberortner, E. and Zdun, Uwe and Dustdar, S. In: ICSE Workshop on Modeling in Software Engineering (MiSE 2009) , Vancouver, Canada (2009)
  • P

  • Paulweber, Philipp and Moosbrugger, Jakob and Zdun, Uwe In: 8th International Conference on Rigorous State-Based Methods (ABZ'21) , 9-11 June 2021 , Ulm, Germany (2021)
  • Paulweber, Philipp and Pescosta, Emmanuel and Zdun, Uwe In: 6th International Conference on Abstract State Machines, Alloy, B, TLA, VDM, and Z (ABZ) , 5-8 June 2018 , Southampton, UK (2018)
  • Paulweber, Philipp and Pescosta, Emmanuel and Zdun, Uwe In: 7th International Conference on Rigorous State-Based Methods (ABZ'20) , 27-29 May 2020 , Ulm, Germany (2020)
  • Paulweber, Philipp and Simhandl, Georg and Zdun, Uwe pp. 1-29 ISSN 1049-331X ACM (2021)
  • Paulweber, Philipp and Zdun, Uwe In: 5th International Conference on Abstract State Machines, Alloy, B, TLA, VDM, and Z (ABZ) , 23-27 May 2016 , Linz, Austria (2016)
  • Plakidas, Konstantinos and Schall, Daniel and Zdun, Uwe In: 12th Workshop on Distributed Software Development, Software Ecosystems and Systems-of-Systems (WDES), collocated with the 12th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA 2018) , 24-28 September 2018 , Madrid, Spain (2018)
  • Plakidas, Konstantinos and Schall, Daniel and Zdun, Uwe In: 12th European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA 2018) , 24-28 September 2018 , Madrid, Spain (2018)
  • Plakidas, Konstantinos and Stevanetic, Srdjan and Schall, Daniel and Ionescu B., Tudor and Zdun, Uwe In: The 20th International Systems and Software Product Line Conference, September 19th to 23rd, 2016, Beijing, China. , 16-23 September 2016 , Beijing (2016)
  • Porrawatpreyakorn, Nalinpat and Quirchmayr, Gerald and Chutimaskul, Wichian and Sodanil, Maleerat In: 15th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services , 2-4 Dec 2013 , Vienna, Austria (2013)
  • Q

  • Quéval, Pierre-Jean and Zdun, Uwe In: European Conference on Software Architecture (ECSA) , 18-22 Sep 2023 , Istanbul, Turkey (2023)
  • R

  • Roda, Christina and Navarro, Elena and Zdun, Uwe and Lopez-Jaquero, Victor and Simhandl, Georg pp. 310-355 ISSN 0164-1212 Elsevier (2018)
  • S

  • Schaefer, Ina and Karagiannis, Dimitris and Vogelsang, Andreas and Méndez, Daniel and Seidl, Christoph GI Edition Proceedings, LNI P-280, Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. 2018, 280 Köllen, Bonn-Buschdorf ISBN 978-3-88579-674-9 (2018)
  • Schermann, Gerald and Cito, Jürgen and Leitner, Philipp and Zdun, Uwe and Gall, C. Harald pp. 41-57 ISSN 0950-5849 (2018)
  • Schermann, Gerald and Cito, Jürgen and Leitner, Philipp and Zdun, Uwe and Gall, C. Harald Technical Report. PeerJ PrePrints 4: e1889 (2016)
  • Sedova, Anastasiia and Zellinger, Lena and Roth, Benjamin In: European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECML PKDD) , 18-22 Sept 2023 , Turin, Italy (2023)
  • Serbout, Souhaila and El Malki, Amine and Pautasso, Cesare and Zdun, Uwe In: 28th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs , July 5–9, 2023 , Irsee, Germany (2023)
  • Serbout, Souhaila and Pautasso, Cesare and Zdun, Uwe In: IEEE International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2022) , 11.-17. July 2022 , Barcelona, Spain (2022)
  • Serbout, Souhaila and Pautasso, Cesare and Zdun, Uwe and Zimmermann, Olaf In: European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs 2021 , July 7-11, 2021 , Kloster Irsee, Germany (Virtual) (2021)
  • Simhandl, Georg and Paulweber, Philipp and Zdun, Uwe In: 6th International Workshop on Eye Movements in Programming (EMIP) , 27 May 2019 , Montreal, Canada (2019)
  • Simhandl, Georg and Paulweber, Philipp and Zdun, Uwe In: 30th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2023) , 4-7 Dec 2023 , Seoul, South Korea (2023)
  • Simhandl, Georg and Zdun, Uwe In: 17th ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE '24), October 20--21, 2024, Pasadena, CA, USA , October 20-21 , Pasadena, CA, USA (2024)
  • Singjai, Apitchaka and Simhandl, Georg and Zdun, Uwe ISSN 0950-5849 Elsevier (2021)
  • Singjai, Apitchaka and Zdun, Uwe In: 16th IEEE International Conference on Service-Oriented System Engineering (SOSE2022) , 15 -18 August 2022 , San Francisco, USA (2022)
  • Singjai, Apitchaka and Zdun, Uwe In: 19TH IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA 2022) , March 12 - 15, 2022 , Virtual Conference (2022)
  • Singjai, Apitchaka and Zdun, Uwe and Zimmermann, Olaf In: 18th IEEE International Conference On Software Architecture (ICSA 2021) , March 22 - 26, 2021 , Stuttgart, Germany (2021)
  • Singjai, Apitchaka and Zdun, Uwe and Zimmermann, Olaf and Stocker, Mirko and Pautasso, Cesare In: 28th Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (PLoP) , October 5-7 , Virtual Conference (2021)
  • Sobernig, S. and Zdun, Uwe In: 8th International Conference on the Principles and Practice of Programming in Java (PPPJ 2010) , 15-17 Sep 2010 , Vienna, Austria (2010)
  • Sobernig, S. and Zdun, Uwe In: 15th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP) , Irsee, Germany (2010)
  • Sobernig, S. and Zdun, Uwe In: Proceedings of 14th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP 2009) , Irsee, Germany (2009)
  • Sobernig, Stefan and Zdun, Uwe In: WICSA 2016 : 13th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture , 5-8 Apr 2016 , Venice, Italy (2016)
  • Soliman, Mohamed and Riebisch, Matthias and Zdun, Uwe In: 12th Working IEEE / IFIP Conference on Software Architecture WICSA2015 , 4 -7 May 2015 , Montreal, Canada (2015)
  • Stevanetic, Srdjan and Haitzer, Thomas and Zdun, Uwe In: International Workshop on DSL Architecting and DSL-based Architectures (DADA 2014) , August 26, 2014 , Vienna, Austria (2014)
  • Stevanetic, Srdjan and Javed, Muhammad Atif and Zdun, Uwe In: First International Workshop on Software Architecture Metrics (SAM 2014) , April 7-11, 2014 , Sydney, Australia (2014)
  • Stevanetic, Srdjan and Javed, Muhammad Atif and Zdun, Uwe In: 24th Australasian Software Engineering Conference , 28 Sept. – 1 Oct. 2015 , Adelaide, Australia (2015)
  • Stevanetic, Srdjan and Plakidas, Konstantinos and Ionescu B., Tudor and Li, Fei and Schall, Daniel and Zdun, Uwe In: 7th International Workshop on Software Ecosystems , 7-11 September, 2015 , Cavtat, Croatia (2015)
  • Stevanetic, Srdjan and Plakidas, Konstantinos and Ionescu B., Tudor and Schall, Daniel and Zdun, Uwe In: 4th International Workshop on Software Ecosystem Architectures (WEA 2016) , November, 28, 2016 , University of Copenhagen. Karen Blixens Vej 4, DK-2300 Copenhagen S, Copenhagen, Denmark (2016)
  • Stevanetic, Srdjan and Zdun, Uwe In: International Conference on Quality Software 2014 (QSIC) , October 2–3, 2014 , Dallas, USA (2014)
  • Stevanetic, Srdjan and Zdun, Uwe In: 18th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE 2014) , May, 13-14, 2014 , London (2014)
  • Stevanetic, Srdjan and Zdun, Uwe In: International Conference on Quality Software 2014 , October 2–3, 2014 , Dallas, USA (2014)
  • Stevanetic, Srdjan and Zdun, Uwe In: The 19th International ACM Sigsoft Symposium on Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE 2016) , 5-8 April, 2016 , Venice, Italy (2016)
  • Stevanetic, Srdjan and Zdun, Uwe In: EASE 2015 - 19th International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering , April 27-29, 2015 , Nanjing, China (2015)
  • Stevanetic, Srdjan and Zdun, Uwe pp. 3578-3625 ISSN 1382-3256 (2018)
  • Stocker, Mirko and Zimmermann, Olaf and Lübke, Daniel and Zdun, Uwe and Pautasso, Cesare In: 23rd European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs 2018 , 4 - 8 July 2018 , Irsee, Germnay (2018)
  • Strembeck, M. and Neumann, G. and Zdun, Uwe In: Proceedings of ECOOP Workshop on Unanticipated Software Evolution (USE 2002) , Malaga, Spain (2002)
  • Strembeck, M. and Zdun, Uwe Software: Practice and Experience (SP&E), 39 (15). pp. 1253-1292 Wiley (2009)
  • Strembeck, M. and Zdun, Uwe In: Proc.of the Workshop on Open and Dynamic Aspect Languages (ODAL) , Bonn, Germany (2006)
  • Strembeck, M. and Zdun, Uwe Journal of Object Technology (JOT), 7 (6). pp. 143-166 (2008)
  • Strembeck, M. and Zdun, Uwe In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Testing of Component-based Systems (TECOS) , Irsee, Germany (2004)
  • Szvetits, Michael and Zdun, Uwe In: IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA 2018) , 30 Apr - 04 May 2018 , Seattle,WA, USA (2018)
  • Szvetits, Michael and Zdun, Uwe In: 24th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2017) , 4-8 Dec 2017 , Nanjing, China (2017)
  • Szvetits, Michael and Zdun, Uwe In: ACM/IEEE 19th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2016) , 2-7 Oct 2016 , Saint-Malo, France (2016)
  • Szvetits, Michael and Zdun, Uwe In: 8th International Workshop on Models at run.time , Sep 29 - Oct 04 2013 , Miami, USA (2013)
  • Szvetits, Michael and Zdun, Uwe In: International Conference on Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering, EASE 2019 , 14-17 April , Copenhagen, Denmark (2019)
  • Szvetits, Michael and Zdun, Uwe In: 23rd European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs 2018 , 4 - 8 July 2018 , Irsee, Germnay (2018)
  • Szvetits, Michael and Zdun, Uwe In: ACM/IEEE 18th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems , Sep, 2015 , Ottawa, Canada (2015)
  • Szvetits, Michael and Zdun, Uwe pp. 31-69 ISSN 1619-1366 Springer Berlin Heidelberg (2016)
  • T

  • Tofan, Dan and Galster, Matthias and Lytra, Ioanna and Avgeriou, Paris and Zdun, Uwe and Fouche, Mark-Anthony and Boer, de Reco C. and Solms, Fritz ISSN 0950-5849 (2016)
  • Tragatschnig, Simon and Stevanetic, Srdjan and Zdun, Uwe pp. 133-146 ISSN 0950-5849 (2018)
  • Tragatschnig, Simon and Tran, Huy and Zdun, Uwe In: 21st International Conference on COOPERATIVE INFORMATION SYSTEMS (CoopIS 2013) , 11-13.09.2013 , Graz, Austria (2013)
  • Tragatschnig, Simon and Tran, Huy and Zdun, Uwe In: 29th Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC 2014) - Cooperative Systems , March 24 - 28, 2014 , Gyeongju, Korea (2014)
  • Tragatschnig, Simon and Zdun, Uwe In: 28th Symposium On Applied Computing , March 18 - 22, 2013 , Coimbra, Portugal (2013)
  • Tragatschnig, Simon and Zdun, Uwe In: 24th IEEE International Conference on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Collaborative Enterprises, International track on Adaptive and Reconfigurable Service-oriented and component-based Applications and Architectures. , 15. - 18. June , Cyprus (2015)
  • Tran, Huy and Holmes, T. and Oberortner, E. and Mulo, E. and Betkowska-Cavalcante, J. Serafinski and Tluczek, M. and Birukou, A. and Silveira, P. and Zdun, Uwe and Dustdar, S. In: 12th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing (SYNASC) , Timisoara, Romania (2010)
  • Tran, Huy and Holmes, T. and Zdun, Uwe and Dustdar, S. In: Handbook of Research on Business Process Modeling. IGI Global, Hershey, USA (2009)
  • Tran, Huy and Holmes, T. and Zdun, Uwe and Dustdar, S. In: A Case Study, Relating software requirements and architectures. Springer Verlag (2011)
  • Tran, Huy and Lytra, Ioanna and Zdun, Uwe In: 28th Symposium On Applied Computing , March 18 - 22, 2013 , Coimbra, Portugal (2013)
  • Tran, Huy and UL Muram, Faiz and Zdun, Uwe In: IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC) 2015 , 21-25 Sep 2015 , Adelaide, Australia (2015)
  • Tran, Huy and Zdun, Uwe In: 17th IEEE International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing Conference (EDOC) , September 9-13, 2013 , Vancouver, BC, Canada (2013)
  • Tran, Huy and Zdun, Uwe In: 20th International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS) , September 10-14, 2012 , Rome, Italy (2012)
  • Tran, Huy and Zdun, Uwe and Dustdar, S. International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management, 5 (3). pp. 229-239 (2011)
  • Tran, Huy and Zdun, Uwe and Dustdar, S. In: 1st Workshop on Reuse in Business Process Management (rBPM 2010), 8th Int. Conf. on Business Process Management (BPM 2010) , Hoboken, New Jersey, USA (2010)
  • Tran, Huy and Zdun, Uwe and Dustdar, S. Software & System Modeling. Springer (2009)
  • Tran, Huy and Zdun, Uwe and Dustdar, S. In: Proceedings of First International Workshop on Model-Based Software and Data Integration MBSDI 2008 , Berlin, Germany (2008)
  • Tran, Huy and Zdun, Uwe and Dustdar, S. In: Proceedings of International Conference on Business Processes and Services Computing , Leipzig, Germany (2007)
  • Tran, Huy and Zdun, Uwe and Dustdar, Schahram In: 10th International Conference on Software Reuse (ICSR), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5030 , Beijing, China (2008)
  • Tran, Huy and Zdun, Uwe and Holmes, T. and Oberortner, E. and Mulo, E. and Dustdar, S. Information and Software Technology, 54 (6). pp. 531-552 ISSN 0950-5849 Elsevier B.V. (2012)
  • Tran, Thanh and Weiss, Erhard and Adensamer, Alexander and Ruhsam, Christoph and Czepa, Christoph and Tran, Huy and Zdun, Uwe In: 5th International Workshop on Adaptive Case Management and other Non-workflow Approaches to BPM (AdaptiveCM 16), 20th IEEE International Enterprise Computing Workshops (EDOCW 2016) , 05 - 09 Sep 2016 , Vienna, Austria (2016)
  • Tran, Thanh and Weiss, Erhard and Ruhsam, Christoph and Czepa, Christoph and Tran, Huy and Zdun, Uwe In: 13th International Conference on Business Process Management 2015, Industry Track , 31 Aug - 3 Sep 2015 , Innsbruck, Austria (2015)
  • Tukaram, Anusha Bambhore and Schneider, Simon and Ferreyra, Nicolas E. Diaz and Simhandl, Georg and Zdun, Uwe and Scandariato, Riccardo In: ARES '22: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security , 23-26 Aug , Vienna (2022)
  • U

  • UL Muram, Faiz and Javed, Muhammad Atif and Tran, Huy and Zdun, Uwe In: 14th IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, SCC 2017 , 25 - 30 June 2017 , Honolulu, Hawaii, USA (2017)
  • UL Muram, Faiz and Tran, Huy and Zdun, Uwe In: 11th International Workshop on Formal Engineering approaches to Software Components and Architectures (FESCA 2014). Satellite event of ETAPS, EPTCS 147. April 12th, 2014 , April 12th, 2014 , Grenoble, France (2014)
  • UL Muram, Faiz and Tran, Huy and Zdun, Uwe In: First International Workshop on Process Engineering (IWPE'15) , 31 August - 3 September 2015 , Innsbruck, Austria (2015)
  • UL Muram, Faiz and Tran, Huy and Zdun, Uwe In: 23rd Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC 2016) , 6th-9th December 2016 , University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand (2016)
  • UL Muram, Faiz and Tran, Huy and Zdun, Uwe pp. 38-71 ISSN 0167-6423 Elsevier (2019)
  • UL Muram, Faiz and Tran, Huy and Zdun, Uwe pp. 1-39 ISSN 0360-0300 ACM Computing Surveys (2017)
  • UL Muram, Faiz and Tran, Huy and Zdun, Uwe In: 22nd European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP 2017) , 12-16 July 2017 , Irsee in Bavaria, Germany (2017)
  • Utz, Wilfrid and Woitsch, Robert and Karagiannis, Dimitris In: The 5th International IEEE Workshop on Requirements Engineering for Services (REFS 2011) , July 18 - 21 2011 , Munich, Germany (2011)
  • V

  • Vasko, Martin and Zdun, Uwe and Dustdar, Schahram and Blumauer, Andreas and Koller, Andreas and Prazl, Walter In: 2nd International Conference on Semantic Systems (Triple-I) , Graz, Austria (2008)
  • Voelter, M. and Kircher, M. and Zdun, Uwe In: Proceedings of The First Nordic Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (VikingPLoP 2002) , Hojstrupgard, Denmark (2002)
  • Voelter, M. and Kircher, M. and Zdun, Uwe Wiley Series in Software Design Patterns J. Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, USA (2004)
  • Voelter, M. and Kircher, M. and Zdun, Uwe and Englbrecht, M. In: Proceedings of 8th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPlop 2003) , Irsee, Germany (2003)
  • Vogel, O. and Arnold, I. and Chughtai, A. and Ihler, E. and Mehlig, U. and Neumann, T. and Voelter, M. and Zdun, Uwe Elsevier/Spektrum Verlag,, Freiburg, Deutschland (2005)
  • Vogel, O. and Zdun, Uwe In: Pattern Languages of Program Design 5. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, USA, pp. 257-298 (2006)
  • van Heesch, Uwe and Avgeriou, Paris and Zdun, Uwe and Harrison, Neil Science of Computer Programming, 77 (5). ISSN 0167-6423 Elsevier (2012)
  • van Heesch, Uwe and Theunissen, Theo and Zimmermann, Olaf and Zdun, Uwe In: 232nd European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs. EuroPLoP , 12-16 July 2017 , Irsee (2017)
  • van den Heuvel, Willem-Jan and Zimmermann, Olaf and Leymann, Frank and Lago, Patricia and Schieferdecker, Ina and Zdun, Uwe and Avgeriou, Paris In: ICSE Workshop on Principles of Engineering Service Oriented Systems (PESOS) , May 18-19, 2009 , Vancouver, Canada (2009)
  • W

  • Warnett, Stephen J. and Zdun, Uwe In: 19th IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA 2022) , 12-15 March, 2022 , Honolulu, Hawaii, USA (2022)
  • Warnett, Stephen J. and Zdun, Uwe pp. 40-51 IEEE Computer Society (2022)
  • Warnett, Stephen John and Zdun, Uwe IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. pp. 1-25 ISSN 0098-5589 IEEE (2024)
  • Wöhrer, Maximilian and Zdun, Uwe In: The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Blockchain and Cryptocurrency (ICBC) , 03-06 May 2021 , Sydney, Australia (2021)
  • Wöhrer, Maximilian and Zdun, Uwe In: 2018 IEEE International Conference on Blockchain , 30 Jul - 03 Aug 2018 , Halifax, Canada (2018)
  • Wöhrer, Maximilian and Zdun, Uwe In: The 4th IEEE International Conference on Blockchain , 06-08 Dec 2021 , Melbourne, Australia (2021)
  • Wöhrer, Maximilian and Zdun, Uwe pp. 37-42 ISSN 0740-7459 IEEE (2020)
  • Wöhrer, Maximilian and Zdun, Uwe In: 1st International Workshop on Blockchain Oriented Software Engineering @ SANER 2018 , 20 Mar 2018 , Campobasso, Italy (2018)
  • Wöhrer, Maximilian and Zdun, Uwe and Rinderle-Ma, Stefanie In: 3rd Conference on Blockchain Research & Applications for Innovative Networks and Services (BRAINS) , 27-30 Sep 2021 , Paris, France (2021)
  • Z

  • Zdun, Uwe In: Managing Corporate Information Systems Evolution and Maintenance. Idea Group Publishing, Hershey, pp. 167-196 (2005)
  • Zdun, Uwe In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Software Factories at OOPSLA 2005 , San Diego, CA, USA (2005)
  • Zdun, Uwe Information and Software Technology, Vol.52 (No. 7). pp. 733-748 ISSN 0950-5849 Butterworth-Heinemann (2010)
  • Zdun, Uwe In: Proceedings of ECOOP Feyerabend Workshop 2002 , Malaga, Spain (2002)
  • Zdun, Uwe In: Proceedings of Symposium of Applied Computing (SAC 2002) , Madrid, Spain (2002)
  • Zdun, Uwe Habilitationsschrift, Wirtschaftsuniversitaet Wien, Vienna, Austria (2006)
  • Zdun, Uwe In: 6. Workshop Software-Reengineering, Softwaretechnik-Trends , Bad Honnef, Germany (2004)
  • Zdun, Uwe Doctoral Thesis, University of Essen, Germany, Essen (2002)
  • Zdun, Uwe In: Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2004) , Munich, Germany (2004)
  • Zdun, Uwe IEE Proceedings Software, 151 (2). pp. 67-83 IET (2004)
  • Zdun, Uwe ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT), 8 (3). pp. 1-38 ACM (2008)
  • Zdun, Uwe In: Proceedings of the 4th Nordic Conference of Pattern Language of Programs , Otaniemi, Finland (2005)
  • Zdun, Uwe In: Tutorial at the 19th European Conference on Object Oriented Programming (ECOOP 2005) , Glasgow, UK (2005)
  • Zdun, Uwe In: Tutorial at the Faculty of Engineering (FEUP), Porto University/INESC Porto , Porto, Portugal, (2006)
  • Zdun, Uwe In: Proceedings of 8th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP 2003) , Irsee, Germany (2003)
  • Zdun, Uwe In: Pattern Languages of Program Design 5. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, USA (2006)
  • Zdun, Uwe In: Proceedings of Sixth European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR'02) , Budapest, Hungary (2002)
  • Zdun, Uwe In: Engineering Advanced Web Applications. Rinton Press, Princeton, pp. 124-135 (2005)
  • Zdun, Uwe In: Fourth International Workshop on Web-Oriented Software Technologies , Munich, Germany (2004)
  • Zdun, Uwe In: Proceedings of 9th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP 2004) , Irsee, Germany (2004)
  • Zdun, Uwe Science of Computer Programming, 52 (1--3). pp. 131-163 Elsevier (2004)
  • Zdun, Uwe Software: Practice & Experience, 37 (9). pp. 983-1016 Wiley (2007)
  • Zdun, Uwe Computer Languages, Systems and Structures: An International Journal, 32 (1). pp. 56-82 Elsevier (2006)
  • Zdun, Uwe In: 8th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR'04) , Tampere, Finland (2004)
  • Zdun, Uwe In: 3rd Workshop on Aspect-Oriented Software Development , Essen, Germany (2003)
  • Zdun, Uwe In: Proceedings of the 6th World Conference on Integrated Design & Process Technology (IDPT 2002) , Pasadena, California, USA (2002)
  • Zdun, Uwe and Avgeriou, P. Information and Software Technology, 50 (9-10). pp. 1003-1034 Elsevier (2008)
  • Zdun, Uwe and Avgeriou, P. In: Proceedings of the 20th ACM Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages & Applications (OOPSLA 2005) , San Diego, CA, USA (2005)
  • Zdun, Uwe and Avgeriou, P. and Hentrich, C. and Dustdar, S. In: Third Workshop on Sharing and Reusing Architectural Knowledge (SHARK 2008) , Leipzig, Germany (2008)
  • Zdun, Uwe and Capilla, Rafael and Tran, Huy and Zimmermann, Olaf IEEE Software, 3 (6). pp. 46-53 ISSN 0740-7459 IEEE Computer Society Press (In Press) (2013)
  • Zdun, Uwe and Dustdar, S. International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management (IJBPIM), 2 (2). pp. 109-119 (2007)
  • Zdun, Uwe and Dustdar, Schahram International Journal of Business Process Integration and Management (IJBPIM), 2 (2). pp. 109-119 Inderscience (2007)
  • Zdun, Uwe and Dustdar, Schahram In: The Role of Business Processes in Service Oriented Architectures, Dagstuhl Seminar Proceedings 06291 , Internationales Begegnungs- und Forschungszentrum fuer Informatik (IBFI), Schloss Dagstuihl, Dagstuhl, Germany (2006)
  • Zdun, Uwe and Gross, Daniel and Yu, Eric In: Fifth International i* (iStar) Workshop (iStar '11) , 29. -30. 08. 2011 , Trento, Italy (2011)
  • Zdun, Uwe and Hentrich, C. and Dustdar, S. ACM Transactions on the Web (TWEB), 1 (3). 14:1-14:44 ACM (2007)
  • Zdun, Uwe and Hentrich, C. and van der Aalst, W.M.P. International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology, 1 (3). pp. 132-143 Inderscience (2006)
  • Zdun, Uwe and Hvatum, Lise UVK Universitätsverlag Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany (2007)
  • Zdun, Uwe and Kircher, Michael and Voelter, Markus IEEE Internet Computing, 8 (6). pp. 353-380 IEEE (2004)
  • Zdun, Uwe and Mayr, Christine and Dustdar, Schahram pp. 1-45 ISSN 0926-8782 Springer US (2013)
  • Zdun, Uwe and Navarro, Elena and Leymann, Frank In: The 15th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing 2017 , 13. - 16. November , Spain, Malaga (2017)
  • Zdun, Uwe and Ntentos, Evangelos and Plakidas, Konstantinos and El Malki, Amine and Schall, Daniel and Li, Fei In: 2019 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC 2019) , 8-13 July 2019 , Milan, Italy (2019)
  • Zdun, Uwe and Quéval, Pierre-Jean and Simhandl, Georg and Scandariato, Riccardo and Chakravarty, Somik and Jelic, Marjan and Jovanovic, Aleksandar ISSN 1545-5971 IEEE (2023)
  • Zdun, Uwe and Quéval, Pierre-Jean and Simhandl, Georg and Scandariato, Riccardo and Chakravarty, Somik and Jelic, Marjan and Jovanovic, Aleksandar pp. 1-34 ISSN 1049-331X Association for Computing Machinery (2023)
  • Zdun, Uwe and Stocker, Mirko and Zimmermann, Olaf and Pautasso, Cesare and Lübke, Daniel In: 16th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing ICSOC 2018 , 12-15 November 2018 , Hangzhou Zhejiang, China (2018)
  • Zdun, Uwe and Strembeck, M. In: Proc. of the 5th International Symposium on Software Composition , Vienna, Austria (2006)
  • Zdun, Uwe and Strembeck, M. In: Proc.of the Linking Aspect Technology and Evolution Workshop (LATE) , Bonn, Germany (2006)
  • Zdun, Uwe and Strembeck, M. In: Proceedings of 14th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP 2009) , Irsee, Germany (2009)
  • Zdun, Uwe and Strembeck, M. and Neumann, G. Information and Software Technology, 49 (8). pp. 871-891 Elsevier (2007)
  • Zdun, Uwe and Voelter, M. and Kircher, M. In: Web Services - ICWS-Europe 2003, International Conference ICWS-Europe 2003, Proceedings , Erfurt, Germany (2003)
  • Zdun, Uwe and Voelter, M. and Kircher, M. International Journal of Web Services Research, 1 (3). pp. 42-62 Idea Group Publishing, Hershey (2004)
  • Zdun, Uwe and Vogel, O. In: 7th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPloP 2002) , Irsee, Germany (2002)
  • Zdun, Uwe and Wallingford, Eugene and Noble, James and Johnson, Ralph Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) (7840) Springer, Heidelberg (2013)
  • Zdun, Uwe and Wittern, Erik and Leitner, Philipp pp. 87-91 ISSN 0740-7459 IEEE (2020)
  • Zilic, Josip and De Maio, Vincenzo and Aral, Atakan and Brandić, Ivona In: 5th International Workshop on Edge Systems, Analytics and Networking (EdgeSys 2022) , 05.04.2022 , Rennes, France (2022)
  • Zimmermann, Olaf and Lübke, Daniel and Zdun, Uwe and Pautasso, Cesare and Stocker, Mirko In: European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs 2020 , July 1-4, 2020 , Irsee, Germany (2020)
  • Zimmermann, Olaf and Pautasso, Cesare and Lübke, Daniel and Zdun, Uwe and Stocker, Mirko In: European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs 2020 , July 1-4, 2020 , Irsee, Germany (2020)
  • Zimmermann, Olaf and Stocker, Mirko and Lübke, Daniel and Pautasso, Cesare and Zdun, Uwe In: International Conference on Microservices (Microservices 2019) , February 19-21, 2019 , Dortmund, Germany (2019)
  • Zimmermann, Olaf and Stocker, Mirko and Lübke, Daniel and Zdun, Uwe In: 22nd European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPLoP 2017) , 12-16 July 2017 , Irsee in Bavaria, Germany (2017)
  • Zimmermann, Olaf and Stocker, Mirko and Lübke, Daniel and Zdun, Uwe and Pautasso, Cesare Addison-Wesley Professional, Boston ISBN 9780137670109 (2022)
  • Zimmermann, Olaf and Zdun, Uwe and Gschwind, Thomas and Leymann, Frank In: Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA) 2008 , February 18-22, 2008 , Vancouver, BC, Canada (2008)
  • Ö

  • Östrele, Hubert and Becker, Jörg and Frank, Ürlich and Hess, Thomas and Karagiannis, Dimitris and Krcmar, Helmut and Loos, Peter and Mertens, Peter and Oberweis, Andreas and Sinz, Elmar J European Journal of Information Systems, 20 (20). pp. 7-10 ISSN 0960-085X Palgrave Macmillan (2011)
  • Š

  • Škrabálek, Jaroslav and Böhm, Christina In: IDIMT-2013 – 21st Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks , 11-13 Sept 2013 , Prague, Czech Republic (2013)
  • This list was generated on Thu Sep 19 06:32:47 2024 CEST.