Variability for Qualities in Software Architecture
Variability is a key factor of most systems. While there are many works covering variability in functionality, there is a research gap regarding variability in software qualities. There is an obvious imbalance between the importance of variability in the context of quality attributes, and the intensity of research in this area. To improve this situation, the First International Workshop on VAri-ability for QUalIties in SofTware Architecture (VAQUITA) was held jointly with ECSA 2015 in Cavtat/Dubrovnik, Croatia as a one-day workshop. The goal of VAQUITA was to investigate and stimulate the discourse about the matter of variability, qualities,and software architectures. The workshop featured three research paper presentations, one keynote talk, and two working group discussions. In this workshop report, we summarize the keynote talk and the presented papers. Additionally, we present the results of the working group discussions.

- Alebrahim, Azadeh
- Faßbender, Stephan
- Filipczyk, Martin
- Goedicke, Michael
- Heisel, Maritta
- Zdun, Uwe

Category |
Journal Paper |
Divisions |
Software Architecture |
Subjects |
Software Engineering |
Journal or Publication Title |
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes |
0163-5948 |
Publisher |
Place of Publication |
New York, NY, USA |
Page Range |
pp. 32-35 |
Date |
December 2016 |
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