Charting Process-Based Collaboration Support in Agile Business Networks: Aligning the Need for a Dynamic Internet of Processes from Industry and Research Perspectives.
Agile business networking is an emerging concept that is meant to help com- panies face the challenges of the dynamic economy of the 21st century by integrating a technology and a business perspective. There is no common understanding of this con- cept: many different interpretations exist that lead to ad hoc business requirements or technical solutions. This creates confusion in the current playing field of research, devel- opment and application, and possible misalignment of requirements and solutions to- wards the future. In this article, we set clear lines in this playing field by (1) defining a configuration space for dynamic network collaboration, (2) analyzing technology push and demand pull forces, (3) confronting these forces for alignment, and finally (4) outlining an approach to avoid misalignment and set the course for well-positioned new projects

- Grefen, Paul
- Rinderle-Ma, Stefanie
- Dustdar, Schahram
- Fdhila, Walid
- Mendling, Jan
- Schulte, Stefan

Category |
Journal Paper |
Divisions |
Workflow Systems and Technology |
Subjects |
Software Engineering Theoretische Informatik |
Journal or Publication Title |
IEEE Internet Computing |
1089-7801 |
Date |
January 2018 |
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