Items where Year is 2000

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Number of items: 119.

  • Abramowicz and J. Zurada, W. UNSPECIFIED (2000)
  • Benkner, Siegfried In: Annual Review of Scalable Computing. World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, ISBN 981-02-4119-4 (2000)
  • Benkner, Siegfried Concurrency: Practice and Experience, 12 (4). pp. 137-155 (2000)
  • Benkner, Siegfried Project Report. UNSPECIFIED (2000)
  • Benkner, Siegfried and Brandes, T. Project Report. UNSPECIFIED (2000)
  • Benkner, Siegfried and Brandes, T. In: Proceedings of the Workshop IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium , NULL , Cancun, Mexico (2000)
  • Benkner, Siegfried and Brandes, T. Technical Report. Institute for Software Science, University of Vienna (2000)
  • Benkner, Siegfried and Brandes, T. In: Proceedings of the Euro-Par 2000 Parallel Processing , NULL , Munich, Germany (2000)
  • Benkner, Siegfried and Brandes, T. Technical Report. Institute for Software Science, University of Vienna (2000)
  • Benkner, Siegfried and Laure, Erwin and Sipkova, Vera Project Report. UNSPECIFIED (2000)
  • Benkner, Siegfried and Mehofer, Eduard and Scholz, B. In: Proceedings of the 12th Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD'2000) , NULL , Sao Pedro, Brazil (2000)
  • Benkner, Siegfried and Mehofer, Eduard and Scholz, B. Technical Report. Institute for Software Science, University of Vienna (2000)
  • Benkner, Siegfried and Moritsch, H. Technical Report. Institute for Software Science, University of Vienna (2000)
  • Benkner, Siegfried and Sipkova, V. Project Report. UNSPECIFIED (2000)
  • Benkner, Siegfried and Sipkova, V. Project Report. UNSPECIFIED (2000)
  • Blieberger, J. and Fahringer, T. and Scholz, B. Real-Time Systems, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, USA, 18 (2/3). pp. 181-215 (2000)
  • Boll, Susanne and Klas, Wolfgang and Heinlein, C. and Wandel, J. In: 6th International Workshop on Multimedia Information Systems , 2000-10-28 , Chicago, USA (2000)
  • Boll, Susanne and Klas, Wolfgang and Westermann, Gerd Utz Multimedia Tools and Applications, 11 (3). Kluwer Academic Publishing (2000)
  • Brezany, Peter and Czerwinski, P. and Swietanowski, A. and Winslett, M. In: Proceedings of the High Performance Computing and Networking: Proc. HPCN Europe 2000 , NULL , Amsterdam, Netherlands (2000)
  • Eder, Johann and Koncilia, Christian Technical Report. University Klagenfurt (2000)
  • Eder, Johann and Panagos, Euthimios In: Workflow Handbook 2001. UNSPECIFIED, pp. 109-132 (2000)
  • Eder, Johann and Frank, Heinz In: 12th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2000) , 2000-07-06 , Chicago, USA (2000)
  • Eder, Johann and Frank, Heinz and Morzy, Tadeusz and Wrembel, Robert and Zakrzewicz, Maciej In: East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems Held Jointly with International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (ADBIS-DASFAA 2000) , 2000-09-05 , Prague, Czech Republic (2000)
  • Eder, Johann and Krumpholz, Alexander and Biliris, Alexandros and Panagos, Euthimios In: 2000 Kyoto International Conference on Digital Libraries: Research and Practice , 2000-11-13 , Kyoto, Japan (2000)
  • Eder, Johann and Welzer, Tatjana and Vossen, Gottfried Information Systems, 25 (8). pp. 465-466 (2000)
  • Eder, Johann and Welzer, Tatjana and Vossen, Gottfried Inf. Syst., 25 (8). pp. 465-466 (2000)
  • Eder, Johann and Gruber, Wolfgang and Panagos, Euthimios In: 11th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, DEXA 2000 , 2000-09-04 , London, UK (2000)
  • Fahringer, T. In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER 2000) , NULL , Chemnitz, Germany (2000)
  • Fahringer, T. Technical Report. Institute for Software Science, University of Vienna (2000)
  • Fahringer, T. and Pozgaj, A. Technical Report. Institute for Software Science, University of Vienna (2000)
  • Fahringer, T. and Pozgaj, A. Scientific Programming, IOS Press, The Netherlands, 8 (2). (2000)
  • Fahringer, T. and Pozgaj, A. and Luitz, J. and Moritsch, H. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Proc. of the 2000 International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium , NULL , Cancun, Mexico (2000)
  • Fahringer, T. and Scholz, B. Technical Report. Institute for Software Science, University of Vienna (2000)
  • Fahringer, T. and Scholz, B. and Sun, X. Technical Report. Institute for Software Science, University of Vienna (2000)
  • Fahringer, Thomas and Scholz, Bernhard IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 11 (11). pp. 1106-1126 (2000)
  • Fahringer, Thomas and Scholz, Bernhard and Sun, Xian-He In: Proceedings of the Proc. of the 2nd International ACM Sigmetrics Workshop on Software and Performance (WOSP'2000) , NULL , Ottawa, Canada (2000)
  • Gansterer, Wilfried and Ward, R. C. and Muller, R. P. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 28 (1). Department of Computer Science, University of Tenessee, USA (2000)
  • Goedicke, M. and Neumann, G. and Zdun, Uwe In: Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on Generative and Component-Based Software Engineering (GCSE'00) , Erfurt, Germany (2000)
  • Goedicke, M. and Neumann, G. and Zdun, Uwe In: Proceedings of 5th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (EuroPlop 2000) , Irsee, Germany (2000)
  • Goedicke, M. and Zdun, Uwe In: 2nd Int. Workshop on Engineering Distributed Objects (EDO 2000) , Davis, USA (2000)
  • Haring, Günter and Mahmoodian, A. In: IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference , 2000-09-01 , Chicago (2000)
  • Haring, Günter and Mahmoodian, A. In: 11th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communication , 2000-09-01 , keine Angabe (2000)
  • Henzinger, Monika and Heydon, Allan and Mitzenmacher, Michael and Najork, Marc Comput. Networks, 33 (1). 295--308 (2000)
  • Henzinger, Monika and Rao, Satish and Hal, N. J Algorithms, 34 (2). 222--250 (2000)
  • Hlavackova-Schindler, Katerina and Fischer, Manfred M. pp. 131-138 ISSN 1370-4621 Kluwer (2000)
  • Hlavacs, Helmut and Haunschmidt, E. and Kvasnicka, D.F. and Ueberhuber, C. W. ZID-Line (Informationen des Zentralen Informatikdienstes der Technischen Universität Wien), 1 (3). (2000)
  • Hlavacs, Helmut and Kotsis, G. and Hotop, Ewald and Kotsis, Gabriele In: OPNETWORK 2000 , 2000-08-28 , Washington, D.C. (2000)
  • Hlavacs, Helmut and Kvasnicka, D. F. and Ueberhuber, C. W. Technical Report. AURORA (2000)
  • Hlavacs, Helmut and Kvasnicka, D. F. and Ueberhuber, C. W. In: Distributed and Parallel Systems DAPSYS 2000 , 2000-01-01 , Boston (2000)
  • Hlavacs, Helmut and Kvasnicka, D. F. and Ueberhuber, C. W. In: 1st International AURORA Conference 2000 , 2000-01-01 , Aurora (2000)
  • Hlavacs, Helmut and Ueberhuber, C. W. Technical Report. AURORA (2000)
  • Hlavacs, Helmut and Ueberhuber, C. W. Technical Report. AURORA (2000)
  • Huemer, Christian In: 1st International German Conference on XML , 2000-05-01 , Heidelberg, Germany (2000)
  • Huemer, Christian In: 13th Bled Electronic Commerce Conference , 2000-06-01 , Bled, Slovenia (2000)
  • Junghagen, S. and Friedman, K. and Olaisen, J. UNSPECIFIED (2000)
  • Laure, E. Technical Report. Institute for Software Science, University of Vienna (2000)
  • Lucka, Maria and Sorevik, T. In: Proceedings of the Algoritmy 2000, Proc. 15-th Conference on Scientific Computing , NULL , Vysoke Tatry, Slovakia (2000)
  • M Tjoa, A. and Wagner, R. R. and Al-Zobaidie, A. UNSPECIFIED (2000)
  • Mehofer, Eduard and Scholz, B. In: Proceedings of the Accepted for publication at ACM Sigplan Workshop on Dynamic and Adaptive Compilation and Optimization (Dynamo'00) , NULL , Boston, MA (2000)
  • Mehofer, Eduard and Scholz, B. Technical Report. Institute for Software Science, University of Vienna (2000)
  • Moritsch, Hans and Benkner, Siegfried In: Proceedings of the Fourth International HPF Users Group Meeting , NULL , Tokyo, Japan (2000)
  • Motschnig, Renate In: Workshop on Context of CHI 2000 , 2000-04-01 , Den Haag, Netherlands (2000)
  • Motschnig, Renate Data and Knowledge Engineering, 2 (32). p. 145 (2000)
  • Motschnig, Renate In: 19th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling , 2000-10-01 , Salt Lake City, Utah, USA (2000)
  • Neuhold, Karin In: International Conference on Software Engineering 2000, Workshop on Standard Exchange Format(WoSEF) , 2000-06-15 , Ireland (2000)
  • Neumann, G. and Zdun, Uwe World Wide Web Journal, 3 (1). pp. 13-26 Kluwer/Baltzer (2000)
  • Neumann, G. and Zdun, Uwe In: Proceedings of Symposium of Applied Computing (SAC'00) , Como, Italy (2000)
  • Neumann, G. and Zdun, Uwe In: The 7th USENIX Tcl/Tk Conference , Austin, Texas, USA (2000)
  • Quirchmayr, Gerald In: The Computer Communication Revolution. UNSPECIFIED, p. 163 (2000)
  • Quirchmayr, Gerald In: UNSPECIFIED , NULL (2000)
  • Quirchmayr, Gerald In: Information Systems in Public Administration and. UNSPECIFIED, p. 125 (2000)
  • Quirchmayr, Gerald In: A BPR-Based Architecture for Changing Corporate. UNSPECIFIED, p. 160 (2000)
  • Quirchmayr, Gerald In: A BPR-Based Architecture for Changing Corporate. UNSPECIFIED, p. 320 (2000)
  • Quirchmayr, Gerald In: 13th Bled Electronic Commere Conference , 2000-01-01 , Bled, Slovenia (2000)
  • Quirchmayr, Gerald and Galindo, F. UNSPECIFIED (2000)
  • Quirchmayr, Gerald and List, B. and Schiefer, J. and Tjoa, A Min In: Knowledge Discovery for Business Information Systems. UNSPECIFIED (2000)
  • Quirchmayr, Gerald and List, B. and Schiefer, J. and Tjoa, A Min In: e-Business and Intelligent Management. UNSPECIFIED (2000)
  • Quirchmayr, Gerald and List, B. and Schiefer, J. and Tjoa, A Min In: Reengineering Week , 2000-01-01 , Zürich, Switzerland (2000)
  • Quirchmayr, Gerald and Wagner, R.R. and Wimmer, M. UNSPECIFIED (2000)
  • Quirchmayr, Gerald and de Korvin, Andre and Hashemi, S. and Kleyle, R. In: 10th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications , 2000-09-01 , London, UK (2000)
  • Ramani, S. and Verma, P.K. UNSPECIFIED (2000)
  • Schellner, Karin and Dorffner, G. and Prem, E. In: Cybernetics and Systems 2000. UNSPECIFIED, p. 5 (2000)
  • Schikuta, Erich and Stockinger, Kurt In: 8th Euromicro Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Processing, IEEE Computer Society Press , 2000-01-01 , Rhodos (2000)
  • Schikuta, Erich and Stockinger, Kurt and Duellmann, Dirk and Hoschek, Wolfgang In: DEXA 2000, 11th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications , 2000-09-01 , London (2000)
  • Schikuta, Erich and Wanek, Helmut and Fuerle, Thomas Journal of Systems Research and Information Science, 9 (1). pp. 149-172 Gordon and Breach Publishing Group (2000)
  • Schikuta, Erich and Wanek, Helmut and Fuerle, Thomas and Jorns, Oliver Iberoamerican Journal of Research "Computing and Systems", Special Issue on Parallel Computing, 4 (2). pp. 124-142 (2000)
  • Scholz, B. and Blieberger, J. and Fahringer, T. In: Proceedings of the Workshop on Partial Evaluation and Semantics-Based Program Manipulation , NULL , Boston, MA, USA (2000)
  • Trappl, R. UNSPECIFIED (2000)
  • Träff, Jesper Larsson In: Proceedings of the Recent Advances in Parallel Virtual Machine and Message Passing Interface. 7th European PVM/MPI Users' Group Meeting , NULL , Balatonfüred, Hungary (2000)
  • Träff, Jesper Larsson In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on OpenMP: Experiences and Implementations (WOMPEI'00), Lecture Notes in Computer Science , NULL , Tokyo, Japan (2000)
  • Träff, Jesper Larsson Technical Report. Institute for Software Science, University of Vienna (2000)
  • Träff, Jesper Larsson In: Proceedings of the Supercomputing , NULL , Dallas, TX, USA (2000)
  • Träff, Jesper Larsson Technical Report. UNSPECIFIED (2000)
  • Träff, Jesper Larsson In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on High Performance Computing, ISHPC 2000, Lecture Notes in Computer Science , NULL , Tokyo, Japan (2000)
  • Träff, Jesper Larsson In: Proceedings of the 2000 International Conference on Parallel Processing (ICPP'00) , NULL , Montreal, CA (2000)
  • Träff, Jesper Larsson Technical Report. Institute for Software Science, University of Vienna (2000)
  • Träff, Jesper Larsson Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 60 (9). 1103--1124 (2000)
  • Winiwarter, Werner Data & Knowledge Engineering, 35 (2). (2000)
  • Winiwarter, Werner In: 2nd International Workshop on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services , 2000-09-10 , Yogyakarta, Indonesia (2000)
  • Winiwarter, Werner In: International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Education , 2000-12-01 , Vienna, Austria (2000)
  • Winiwarter, Werner In: 2000 Kyoto International Conference on Digital Libraries: Research and Practice , 2000-11-13 , Kyoto, Japan (2000)
  • Winiwarter, Werner ÖGAI Journal, 19 (3). (2000)
  • Winiwarter, Werner and Dale, R. and Mine, T. In: UNSPECIFIED UNSPECIFIED (2000)
  • Winiwarter, Werner and Drobics, M. and Bodenhofer, U. In: 12th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence , 2000-11-13 , Vancouver, Canada (2000)
  • Winiwarter, Werner and Kambayashi, Y. and Wiederhold, G. and Klavans, J. and Tarumi, H. IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos (2000)
  • Winiwarter, Werner and Khalil Ibrahim, I. In: 13th International Conference on Applications of Prolog , 2000-10-01 , Tokyo (2000)
  • Zima, Hans and Laure, E. and Haines, M. and Mehrotra, P. Concurrency: Practice and Experience, 12 (4). pp. 227-249 (2000)
  • Zima, Hans and Sterling, T. L. Technical Report. UNSPECIFIED (2000)
  • Zima, Hans and Sterling, T. L. In: Proceedings of the Proc.International Symposium on High Performance Computing (ISHPC2K) , NULL , Tokyo, Japan (2000)
  • Zima, Hans and Sterling, T. L. In: Proceedings of the Proc.First International AURORA Conference (IAC 2000) , NULL , Vienna, Austria (2000)
  • Zima, Hans and Sterling, T. L. In: Proceedings of the Proc.Irregular'2000 , NULL , Cancun, Mexico (2000)
  • This list was generated on Thu Sep 19 15:26:10 2024 CEST.