Noisy Submodular Maximization via Adaptive Sampling with Applications to Crowdsourced Image Collection Summarization
We address the problem of maximizing an unknownsubmodular function that can only be accessed via noisyevaluations. Our work is motivated by the task of sum-marizing content, e.g., image collections, by leveragingusers’ feedback in form of clicks or ratings. For sum-marization tasks with the goal of maximizing cover-age and diversity, submodular set functions are a nat-ural choice. When the underlying submodular functionis unknown, users’ feedback can provide noisy evalua-tions of the function that we seek to maximize. We pro-vide a generic algorithm – EXPGREEDY– for maximiz-ing an unknown submodular function under cardinalityconstraints. This algorithm makes use of a novel explo-ration module – TOPX – that proposes good elementsbased on adaptively sampling noisy function evalua-tions. TOPX is able to accommodate different kinds ofobservation models such as value queries and pairwisecomparisons. We provide PAC-style guarantees on thequality and sampling cost of the solution obtained byEXPGREEDY. We demonstrate the effectiveness of ourapproach in an interactive, crowdsourced image collec-tion summarization application.

- Singla, Adish
- Tschiatschek, Sebastian
- Krause, Andreas

Category |
Paper in Conference Proceedings or in Workshop Proceedings (Paper) |
Event Title |
Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) |
Divisions |
Data Mining and Machine Learning |
Event Location |
Phoenix, Arizona, USA |
Event Type |
Conference |
Event Dates |
12.-17.02.2016 |
Series Name |
Proceedings of the Thirtieth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the Twenty-Eighth Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference |
2159-5399 |
Date |
12 February 2016 |
Official URL | |
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