Semi-automatic Feedback for Improving Architecture Conformance to Microservice Patterns and Practices

Semi-automatic Feedback for Improving Architecture Conformance to Microservice Patterns and Practices


Microservices are one of the most recommended architectural styles for distributed applications that support independent development and deployment, enable rapid release, and are highly scalable and polyglot. Many well-established patterns and best practices have been documented in the literature. As there are many such guidances, they have numerous interdependencies, and system designs must adhere to many other architecture constraints, too, implementations do not always conform to those guidances. In complex or large systems, it can be hard and tedious to spot violations. Our work aims to offer automated support for architecting during the continuous evolution of microservice-based systems. More specifically we aim to provide the foundations for an automated approach for architecture reconstruction, assessing conformance to patterns and practices specific for microservice architectures, and detect possible violations. Based on this, we provide actionable options to architects for improving architecture conformance as part of a continuous feedback loop. That is, our goal is to support architecting in the context of continuous delivery practices, where architecture violations are continuously analyzed and fix options are continuously suggested.

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  • Ntentos, Evangelos
  • Zdun, Uwe
  • Plakidas, Konstantinos
  • Geiger, Sebastian
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Paper in Conference Proceedings or in Workshop Proceedings (Paper)
Event Title
18th IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture(ICSA 2021)
Software Architecture
Event Location
Stuttgart, Germany
Event Type
Event Dates
22 - 26 March
Series Name
2021 IEEE 18th International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA)
22 March 2021
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