Interpretable Riemannian Classification in Brain-Computer Interfacing
Riemannian methods are currently one of the best ways of building classifiers for EEG data in a brain-computer interface (BCI). However, they are computationally complex and suffer from a lack of interpretability. Since the full covariance matrix is used for each classification, it is not immediately possible to see what underlying signals are generating the classified changes in variance. Particularly in a rehabilitation context, where it is essential to control which brain signals are used for classification, this can be a severely limiting factor. Further, the requirement to perform a matrix logarithm can become prohibitively complex for real-time computation. In this work, we explore a method for extracting spatial filters from a solution in the Riemannian tangentspaceandcompareitagainstcommonspatialpatterns. Weshowviacomparisonsonmultipleopen-access datasetsthatitispossibletogeneratefiltersthatapproach the performance of the full Riemannian solution while maintaining interpretability.

- Xu, Jiachen
- Grosse-Wentrup, Moritz
- Jayaram, Vinay

Category |
Paper in Conference Proceedings or in Workshop Proceedings (Paper) |
Event Title |
Graz BCI Conference 2019 |
Divisions |
Neuroinformatics |
Event Location |
Graz, Österreich |
Event Type |
Conference |
Event Dates |
16.-20.9.2019 |
Date |
17 September 2019 |
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