A Framework for Managing Diversity in ICT Projects: Processes and Techniques for Explicating Soft Facts and Dealing with Behavioral Differences
Diversity aspects are of high relevance for ICT (Information and Communication Technology) projects to succeed. Diverse work styles and cultural-based behavioral differences can have a major impact on a project team and the work that is done. Although the need for an appropriate method to man-aging diversity in ICT project management is evident, no standardized or hands-on approach exists so far to the best of the author’s knowledge. Therefore, this dissertation aims at creating a comprehensive, structured, and practical approach that explicates implicit aspects of diversity in ICT projects. The research results provide an innovative, knowledge-based diversity framework that includes relevant features of diversity that so far have only been implicit or scattered, unclear or vague and hence not available for well-founded and systematic support. The three essential components of the framework – diversity features, diversity techniques, and the diversity workflow – are based on insights from literature and empirical research. Further-more, the generic framework considers human-centered management principles and is conceptually integrated into the Rational Unified Process. Multiple research methods that are accommodated in an overall design-based research methodology were used to build up and validate the diversity framework. In the validation process, a quantitative online survey, qualitative expert interviews, and focus group workshops were performed to collect data about the relevance, applicability, efficiency, and usability of the framework’s components. An empirically validated, normative, and conceptual model that embeds complex, fuzzy knowledge about diversity into ICT projects is the core result of this research and contributes to the field of knowledge-based project management.

- Böhm, Christina

Category |
Thesis (PhD) |
Divisions |
Education, Didactics and Entertainment Computing |
Subjects |
Informatik Sonstiges |
Publisher |
University of Vienna |
Date |
June 2016 |
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