Sensorium - The Generic Sensor Framework
This contribution describes Sensorium, our framework for accessing sensor values on computing devices and making them available to other applications. Meanwhile, it allows users control the exposure of privacy-related data. Our goal is to bring the sensing capabilities of modern devices to a broader range of reseachers and experimenters via an open source framework. We also present a real application making use of Sensorim’s virtues: For our web service Open3GMap, we crowd-source radio reception quality measurements in 3G networks. We combine the data into an open geo-information system.

- Rafetseder, Albert
- Metzger, Florian
- Pühringer, Lukas
- Tutschku, Kurt
- Zhuang, Yanyan
- Cappos, Justin

Category |
Paper in Conference Proceedings or in Workshop Proceedings (Other) |
Event Title |
Networked Systems 2013 |
Divisions |
Future Communication |
Subjects |
Informatik Allgemeines Anwendungssoftware |
Event Location |
Stuttgart |
Event Type |
Conference |
Event Dates |
March 2013 |
Date |
13 March 2013 |
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