The Tetrahymena meiotic chromosome bouquet is organized by centromeres and promotes interhomolog recombination
In order to form crossovers and to undergo reductional segregation in meiosis, homologous chromosomes must pair. In Tetrahymena, meiotic prophase nuclei elongate immensely, and, within the elongated nucleus, chromosomes are arranged with telomeres assembled at one pole and centromeres at the opposite pole. This organization is an exaggerated form of the bouquet, a meiotic chromosome arrangement that is widely conserved among eukaryotes. We show that centromere function is crucial for the formation of Tetrahymena's stretched bouquet and, thereby, for homolog pairing. This finding adds to previous reports of the importance of centromeres in chromosome pairing in budding yeast and in Drosophila. Tetrahymena's bouquet is an ATR-dependent meiotic DNA damage response that is triggered by meiotic DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), suggesting that the bouquet is needed for DSB repair. However, here we show that although homologous pairing is impeded in the absence of the bouquet, DSB repair takes place, nevertheless. Moreover, recombinational DSB repair, as monitored by BrdU incorporation, takes place only after exit from the bouquet stage. Therefore, we conclude that the bouquet is not required for DSB repair per se, but may be necessary for the alignment of homologous loci in order to promote homologous crossovers over alternative repair pathways.

- Köstler, Tina

Category |
Journal Paper |
Divisions |
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology |
Journal or Publication Title |
Journal of Cell Science |
0021-9533 |
Number |
-- |
Volume |
125 |
Date |
2012 |
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