FDMM: A Formalism for Describing ADOxx Meta Models and Models
In the paper at hand we present the FDMM formalism that can be used to describe the core constituents of the ADOxx meta modeling approach as it is provided for the Open Models Initiative (OMI). The formalism is based on a first-order logic setting. Thereby formal descriptions of the implementation of modeling languages based on ADOxx can be realized in an intuitive and mathematically exact format. To illustrate the use of the formalism it is applied to a modeling language and its instances from the area of risk management that has been previously implemented in ADOxx. It is then analysed how the concepts of the FDMM formalism compare to the ADOxx meta modeling concepts as well as other meta modeling approaches from the area of domain-specific modeling.

- Fill, Hans-Georg
- Redmond, Timothy
- Karagiannis, Dimitris

Category |
Paper in Conference Proceedings or in Workshop Proceedings (Paper) |
Event Title |
ICEIS 2012 - 14th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems |
Divisions |
Knowledge Engineering |
Subjects |
Angewandte Informatik |
Event Location |
Wroclaw, Poland |
Event Type |
Conference |
Publisher |
SciTePress, http://www.iceis.org |
Date |
June 2012 |
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