Integrating a Relational Database System into VODAK using its Metaclass Concept
This paper presents a specific approach of integrating a relational database system into a federated database system. The underlying database integration process consist of three steps: first, the external database systems have to be connected to the integrated database system environment and the external data models have to be mapped into a canonical data model. This step is often called syntactic transformation including structural enrichment and leads to component schemas for each external DBMS. Second, the resulting schemas from the first step are used to construct export schemas which are then integrated into global, individual schemas or views. In this paper we focus on the first step for relational databases, i.e., the connection of a relational database system and the mapping of the relational model into a canonical data model. We take POSTGRES as the relational database system and the object-oriented federated database system VODAK as the integration platform which provides open, object-oriented data model as the canonical data model for the integration. We show different variations of mapping the relational model. By exploiting the metaclass concept provided by VML we show how to tailor VML such that the canonical data model meets the requirements of integrating POSTGRES into the global database system VODAK in an efficient way.

- Klas, Wolfgang
- Fischer, Gisela
- Aberer, Karl

Category |
Technical Report (Technical Report) |
Divisions |
Multimedia Information Systems |
Number |
738 |
Publisher |
GMD Technical Report (Arbeitspapiere der GMD) |
Date |
March 1993 |
Official URL | |
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