IRO-DB: Making Relational and Object-Oriented Database Systems Interoperable
This paper presents the ESPRIT project IRO-DB that aims at the provision of tools to achieve the interoperability between preexisting object-oriented and relational databases. The main components developed are a local layer consisting of database adapters that provide uniform interfaces to heterogeneous databases on the basis of the standard for object-oriented databases ODMG, a communication layer that supports object-oriented remote data access, and an interoperable layer that realizes means to access multiple databases through an integrated schema.

- Klas, Wolfgang
- Frankhauser, Peter
- Finance, Beatrice

Category |
Paper in Conference Proceedings or in Workshop Proceedings |
Event Title |
6th International Conference on Extending Database Technology (EDBT '96) |
Divisions |
Multimedia Information Systems |
Event Location |
Avignon, France |
Event Type |
Conference |
Event Dates |
1996-03-25 |
Date |
March 1996 |
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